rcs: Quick tour

 1.3 Quick tour
 This section complements the preceding section (⇒Concepts),
 presenting a handful of RCS commands in quick succession.  For details
 on individual RCS commands, ⇒Usage.
    Suppose you have a file ‘f.c’ that you wish to put under control of
 RCS. If you have not already done so, make an ‘RCS’ directory with the
      mkdir RCS
 Then invoke the checkin command:
      ci f.c
 This command creates an RCS file in directory ‘RCS’, stores ‘f.c’ into
 it as revision 1.1, and deletes ‘f.c’.  It also asks you for a
 description.  The description should be a synopsis of the contents of
 the file.  All later checkin commands will ask you for a log entry,
 which should summarize the changes that you made.
    To get back the working file ‘f.c’ in the previous example, use the
 checkout command:
      co f.c
 This command extracts the latest revision from the RCS file and writes
 it into ‘f.c’.  If you want to edit ‘f.c’, you must lock it as you check
 it out, with the command:
      co -l f.c
 You can now edit ‘f.c’.  Suppose after some editing you want to know
 what changes that you have made.  The command:
      rcsdiff f.c
 tells you the difference between the most recently checked-in version
 and the working file.  You can check the file back in by invoking:
      ci f.c
 This increments the revision number properly.  If ci complains with the
      ci error: no lock set by your name
 then you have tried to check in a file even though you did not lock it
 when you checked it out.  Of course, it is too late now to do the
 checkout with locking, because another checkout would overwrite your
 modifications.  Instead, invoke:
      rcs -l f.c
 This command will lock the latest revision for you, unless somebody else
 got ahead of you already.  In this case, you’ll have to negotiate with
 that person.
    Locking assures that you, and only you, can check in the next update,
 and avoids nasty problems if several people work on the same file.  Even
 if a revision is locked, it can still be checked out for reading,
 compiling, etc.  All that locking prevents is a checkin by anybody but
 the locker.
    If your RCS file is private, i.e., if you are the only person who is
 going to deposit revisions into it, strict locking is not needed and you
 can turn it off.  If strict locking is turned off, the owner of the RCS
 file need not have a lock for checkin; all others still do.  Turning
 strict locking off and on is done with the commands:
      rcs -U f.c    # disable strict locking
      rcs -L f.c    # enable strict locking
    If you don’t want to clutter your working directory with RCS files,
 create a subdirectory called ‘RCS’ in your working directory, and move
 all your RCS files there.  RCS commands will look first into that
 directory to find needed files.  All the commands discussed above will
 still work, without any modification.  ⇒Common elements.
    To avoid the deletion of the working file during checkin (in case you
 want to continue editing or compiling), invoke one of:
      ci -l f.c     # checkin + locked checkout
      ci -u f.c     # checkin + unlocked checkout
 These commands check in ‘f.c’ as usual, then perform an implicit
 checkout.  The first form also locks the checked in revision, the second
 one doesn’t.  Thus, these options save you one checkout operation.  The
 first form is useful if you want to continue editing, the second one if
 you just want to read the file.  Both update the keyword substitutions
 in your working file ⇒Concepts.
    You can give ci the number you want assigned to a checked-in
 revision.  Assume all your revisions were numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.,
 and you would like to start release 2.  Either of the commands:
      ci -r2 f.c
      ci -r2.1 f.c
 assigns the number 2.1 to the new revision.  From then on, ci will
 number the subsequent revisions with 2.2, 2.3, etc.  The corresponding
 co commands:
      co -r2 f.c
      co -r2.1 f.c
 retrieve the latest revision numbered 2.x and the revision 2.1,
 respectively.  co without a revision number selects the latest revision
 on the trunk, i.e.  the highest revision with a number consisting of two
 fields.  Numbers with more than two fields are needed for branches.  For
 example, to start a branch at revision 1.3, invoke:
      ci -r1.3.1 f.c
 This command starts a branch numbered 1 at revision 1.3, and assigns the
 number to the new revision.  Here is a diagram showing the new
 revision in relation to its branch and the trunk.
      1.1  --  1.2  --  1.3  --  1.4  --  1.5
                      [1.3.1]  --
 For more information about branches, ⇒Concepts.